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Liverpool charity worker nominated for prestigious National Fundraising Award

Anna Houghton is up for Newcomer of the Year for her work for international school feeding charity Mary’s Meals.

An inspirational Liverpool charity worker has been nominated for Newcomer of the Year at the prestigious National Fundraising Awards.

Anna Houghton beat out scores of applicants from across the UK to make the final shortlist of three nominees in the Newcomer of the Year category for her work as a Supporter Engagement Officer for Mary’s Meals.

International school feeding charity Mary’s Meals feeds more than 2.4 million children in 17 countries across the world. The promise of a daily school meal encourages desperately poor children into the classroom where they can gain an education which can be their ladder out of poverty.

Within Anna’s first year of joining the charity, she increased income in the region of Liverpool by 40% through her work with local schools, universities, churches and many others.

Dan McNally, Head of Supporter Engagement at Mary’s Meals, says:

“From turning famous Liverpool landmarks Mary’s Meals blue, creating amazing resources used by so many schools and young people, to appearing on the radio five times in the last year, Anna is an incredible colleague.

“Every single one of our Supporter Engagement Officers do a brilliant job drumming up support and donations for Mary’s Meals, and it’s great to see Anna given this recognition. Whether she wins the award or not, we’re so proud of her and we’re wishing her the best of luck!”

The National Fundraising Awards take place on Wednesday, 3 July at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London.

It costs just £19.15 to feed a child with Mary’s Meals every day for a school year. To donate or to find out more, please visit: