A SPECIAL learning event is taking place next week aimed at promoting Liverpool’s new Landlord Licensing scheme to organisations that come into contact with private sector tenants living in poor housing.
The council’s Landlord Licensing team launched the scheme in April 2022 in the 16 wards in Liverpool with the worst private rented housing conditions. The scheme will run for the next five years, to 31st March 2027.
It gives the council additional powers to drive up standards and keep vulnerable tenants safe, such as tackling fire and electrical safety hazards, excess cold and damp and preventing and tackling anti-social behaviour.
The wards included are: Central, Riverside, Greenbank, Kensington, Picton, Tuebrook & Stoneycroft, County, Anfield, St Michael’s, Princes Park, Kirkdale, Old Swan, Warbreck, Wavertree, Fazakerley and Everton.
A key focus of the new scheme is reaching out to tenants and support organisations to spread the word about the scheme and the work of the Private Sector Housing service.
The learning event will be the first of a series with residents, communities and partners planned during the lifetime of the scheme.
It provides an opportunity to learn from each other and find ways of better joint working leading to better outcomes.
This event – which is taking place at The Florrie in Dingle on Thursday 21 July – has been jointly organised by Liverpool City Council and the Central Primary Care Network, a group of nine GP practices working together with each other to improve health inequalities for patients.
It will include training for the network’s wellbeing link workers and social prescribers on how to refer cases in, and the advice they can give people who need support with private rented sector housing.
Also invited are community organisations from across the city who work to support tenants living in unacceptable conditions.
The event takes place from 11am – 4pm and will include presentations about Landlord Licensing, the work of Central Primary Care Network and case study examples of people that can be assisted.
Organisations wishing to attend can sign up using this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/landlord-licensing-learning-event-tickets-381716533427
Cabinet Member for Strategic Development and Housing, Cllr Sarah Doyle, said:
“We know that far too many private sector tenants live in poor housing conditions which impacts on their mental and physical health and wellbeing.
“Our previous Landlord Licensing scheme made a big impact, but some tenants and organisations were not aware of it.
“One of my key aims is for us this time around is to get out and about into communities and educate people about the scheme by engaging with partners and community organisations to really spread the word.
“This event is just the start of what I hope will be a much wider listening and engagement programme which will help make the new scheme an even bigger success.
“This is all part of the council’s improvement journey, listening to residents and partners and acting on their feedback.”
Hayley Corless, Service Manager for Central Liverpool PCN, said:
“Central Liverpool Primary Care Network is striving to ensure personalised care surrounds every patient.
“As an anchored organisation in the heart of Liverpool, we continue to work with partner agencies and cross-sector organisations to deliver on this commitment.
“We understand the role adequate and safe housing plays within our communities and look forward to hosting this event with Liverpool City Council.
“Our mission for this learning event is to upskill professionals from across Liverpool, in the fight against poor housing standards and to reduce health inequalities.”