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Local Skills Improvement Plan

Liverpool City Region’s Chambers of Commerce are working together to help give businesses across the Region a voice, and strengthen the relationship between employers and training providers through a Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP).

LSIPs place employers at the centre of the skills system, and are uniquely placed to shine a spotlight on the actual skills employers need most in the workplace.

Since 2023, the Chambers have conducted an in-depth consultation, encouraging as many businesses as possible to have their say in shaping the future skills development and training in the Liverpool City Region.

These valuable insights are providing a representative and coherent employer view of the skills most needed to support economic growth and boost productivity in the City Region.

Reports and Insight

Download the Local Skills Improvement Plan Report
The LSIP report is the result of an extensive research project conducted by the Chambers of Commerce in the Liverpool City Region, to identify the skills employers need most in the workplace.

The report contained a series of recommendations based upon the input of employers and is helping colleges, providers and public authorities to make changes to training and course provision on the basis of the intelligence provided.

LSIP Conference 2024

Employers, colleges, training providers, universities and public authorities joined an important skills conference in January 2024 to present the outcomes of the LSIP research. Panel and plenary sessions detailed the route-map for employer demand-led improvements to our skills system and the implications for our local talent pool through schools, further education and higher education.