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Budget 2023/24 Update

A survey has been launched for people who live and work in Liverpool to have their say on Liverpool City Council’s budget proposals.

The proposals are focused on enabling the council to deliver modern and innovative services that will lead to better outcomes for residents.

They include a mix of savings, income generation and transformation of services, to balance the books and close the £73 million budget gap.

The survey is available at until Friday 6 January, along with details of the proposals for each directorate.

Hard copies of a shorter version of the survey will be available in council buildings, including One Stop Shops, Lifestyles Fitness Centres and libraries, in the near future.

It is one of a number of ways in which people will be able to give feedback, with face-to-face sessions and statutory consultation on specific options taking place over the coming weeks.

A final list of proposals will be drawn up in the new year and presented to Budget Council for consideration in March.

We would be grateful if you could share the details of the survey in your networks and on your internal and external channels.

An image for use on social media is attached.